We have a background in training and a passion for helping others. GnM92i provides a training lab experience for the beginner, intermediate, or advanced user. That is, we work with individuals to introduce the topics that matter to them. We offer online or on-site training experiences that allow you to select topics with learning objectives geared to your needs.

What makes our training different?

During your lab time, you will be expected to use hardware (i.e., laptops, tablets) and software (i.e., programs, apps) along with our thoughtfully produced training material to gain experience.

Our staff will be available to take your questions and make sure you receive satisfactory answers that address your concerns, so that you can focus on building the skills you need.

In addition to aiding your comprehension of the content, we will be present to make sure you are progressing through the provided training materials during your scheduled lab time.

Create a difference, work with us …

… when you find training help online, but you have a question.
… whether you are a beginner, intermediate user, or more advanced.
… whenever you are not utilizing technology to its fullest extent.

Schedule time to resolve your training issues.

Let Us Contact You