MISSION | What We Do

GnM92i is a company that offers education and training, process consultation, and research and development services for individuals, professionals, and community members. We provide instructor-led lab environment training, business consultation, and training materials. Also, GnM92i intends to use research and development efforts to define additional products to meet the needs of our customers.

Our focus is twofold: training and consulting. GnM92i seeks to support those who are dissatisfied with their existing training or knowledge on a particular topic. Unlike traditional training methods, instructional videos on YouTube, or even self-taught online courses, we offer guided, hands-on learning and reference materials to make sure people understand the topics that matter. Additionally, we strive to offer creative and elegant process automation solutions by improving existing capabilities or by developing new techniques. GnM92i’s mission is to create a difference by working together.


GnM92i is a family-owned company based in western Pennsylvania. Founders Greg and Michele Paonessa, graduated from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (UPJ), were married, and decided that they hoped to start a business all in 1992. They have a passion for innovation as it relates to teaching and helping people understand and use technology. This passion was ignited at UPJ while working on campus at the Macintosh Computer Lab.

Greg graduated with a BS in Computer Science; he went to work for a local company doing software and systems engineering, including project management and employee management.

Michele graduated with a BS in Elementary Education; she stayed at home to raise their four children with a passion for guiding their education, community involvement, music, and sports activities.

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